Saturday, February 6, 2010

saturday night house

Ray has a number of friends over. They are in his room. There is a sound which echoes up two flights to my room, whatwhatwhat??? Someone talking, multiple voices. And the cat lays curled up nearby.
Dylan is at Stewart's house tonight. "What are you going to do at Stewart's?".."Oh, play video games, hang out.."..and we drove the dark road to his house, the turn off is clearly marked, the neighborhood is serene, private, wealthy. "Someone cleaned off their road".."Yeah"..And along the length of their driveway are lamps, placed for visibility, effect. The house is brick, the drive curving, paved, long. "That's Grant's car." And I look and see a brand new sports car in front of me, a porsche catera sits in the drive beyond, a Range Rover is parked in the garage. Two years ago Stewart's parents were married and at times I would talk small things with his mom while waiting for Dylan. They are now divorced, his mother is gorgeous, the type of woman who could have any man she wanted. Tall, slender, pretty to the point of beauty, an able cook. She drinks. Enjoys going to the ball games at the stadium.
Dylan leaned across the car and kissed me on the cheek, "Bye mom." He turned his cheek toward me, where I dryly kissed him, "Bye honey, have a nice time." "I will, thanks." And he jumped out of the car, went and rang the doorbell, standing below the archway and I thought, how things change. Two years ago, they were married, now....
But it is that loss thing again. So many things lost or thrown away. So many things change and not necessarily in good ways, as I pulled around and headed back out the drive, going home.

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