Wednesday, July 7, 2010

all of these things

Dylan walked through the front door last night, tall, handsome with his new eyeglasses. Ray was stooped in the hall, wrestling with his computer. "I've changed the password on my computer because Dylan was getting on and...." it was the typical tale of brothers and their computers. Then Ray straightened and smiled his so sweet lop-sided smile as he finished talking.
How have we come to July so soon?
In two weeks we will be up in St. Joseph for my mother's 75th birthday party. Susan and Rachel and Bill and John and the kids will be down from Michigan. Bill wants to drive the bull-dozer. Five of us will pile into the Prius, Dylan has asked to bring Alayna. We will take swimsuits, towels and drinks, it will all go in the back of the car. If it is nice and hot we may go to Krug Pool for three dollars a person entrance fee to swim and play, to sit and read, to form memories of the day. We will slather ourselves with plenty of sunscreen because lord knows there is no shade at that pool.
And maybe we will go to some of the museums in town, then again, maybe not. Life has a funny way of working out far differently from what we have planned.

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